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  • Writer's pictureNaoise McGrath

Returning to a new 'normal'

Updated: May 17, 2020

Wow! What crazy times we are living in at the moment. It is hard to believe this is reality and not some weird tv show. Thankfully, due to everyones sacrifice and commitment we have flattened the curve and the country is starting to return to normal...or maybe a new normal is more accurate.

We have missed all our patients over the last few months but are glad we could provide an emergency service to those in need.

Today we got some good news. The Dental Council and the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) have lifted the restriction on dental treatment and from Monday 18th May are allowing routine dental care commence again.

The recommencement of routine dental care is paramount. Very few are aware of the impact that poor dental health can have on their overall health. For example, gum disease is linked to heart disease and diabetes to name a few . Also, at every dental check up an oral cancer screening takes place too.

We follow a strict cross infection prevention protocol in our practice and have now adopted further measures recommended by the HPSC. Although we will try and make your visit to us as 'normal' as possible it will be a little different.

We would like to extend our gratitude to you for all you have done over the last number of weeks in helping to prevent the spread of Covid-19. We hope that you and your loved ones stay safe and we look forward o seeing you all soon.

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